Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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More storm damage

CIRCLING BACK to storms, we had to share this damage done from Monday, Aug. 10’s, massive storm. Sandy McNary shared a 300-year-old oak tree fell onto the home of her neighbors, Lynn and Jo Sickafoose, on North East Wawasee Drive.

She noted the east side of Lake Wawasee usually experiences storms more severely and her husband, Bob, was watching the storm roll in from the lakeside of their home while she was at the roadside door. “I heard it hit. It was a huge noise,” she said, adding her husband had actually witnessed it fall.

Sandy said it was probably one of the oldest trees in the county, and when she and her husband first moved into their own home, a historical society had wanted to put a plaque on it, estimating at the time — 47 years ago — it was 250 years old. While the oak looked healthy on its exterior and received yearly care, its downfall revealed it was hollow on the inside.

As for the home, Paul Davis Restoration has been on-site working. Pictured is the tree on the Sickafoose home after cleanup efforts had started.