Lake Wawsee Property Owners Association Membership
Every year
"Neighbor" is less a location than an attitude. As members of the Lake Wawasee community, we are united by our love for the lake and our commitment to preserving its beauty and health for generations to come. Join our association and help support the many benefits we provide, including those listed below.
✓ Annual Printed Lake Directory (for members only)
✓ Lake Homeowner Representation With Local and State Agencies
✓ Sheriff Lake Patrol Boats, Fuel, Deputies & Training
✓ Install + Maintenance of Dry Fire Hydrants & Weather Sirens
✓ Indiana's Best Independence Day Fireworks Display & More....
Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association Membership
✓ Annual Printed Lake Directory (for members only)
✓ Lake Homeowner Representation With Local and State Agencies
✓ Sheriff Lake Patrol Boats, Fuel, Deputies & Training
✓ Install + Maintenance of Dry Fire Hydrants & Weather Sirens
✓ Indiana's Best Independence Day Fireworks Display & More....