Learn why Lake Wawasee is
precious to many and how
you can enjoy.
Lake Wawasee Neighbors Directory
Every Wawasee Property Owners Association (WPOA) member that has paid their annual dues will receive a comprehensive 250+ page Neighbors Directory.
Sheriff Lake Patrol
The Sheriff Lake Patrol you see and experience on Lake Wawasee is 100% funded by your WPOA Membership dues. These volunteers are here to educate on lake safety and support you in case of emergency.
Current Lake Conditions
Lake level, water temperature and rainfall levels.
Wawasee Flotilla 2024 : FAMILY GAME NIGHT!
2024 Wawasee Flotilla Theme: FAMILY GAME NIGHT! Saturday July 6th, 2024 Start Time 1:30 pm @ Natti Crow Beach
Flotilla Merchandise: flotilla.sgpromostore.com
Road Race Registration: 47th Annual Road Race Registration
Boating Safety
Accidents happen but most can be prevented. Stay safe by knowing lake rules and using the appropriate equipment, whether enjoying a ride on a motorized boat, paddling a kayak, or wake surfing.
Buoys & Swimming
Placement of buoys in the lake in front of piers and properties helps define swimming areas and the places in the lake where watercraft must be operated at idle speed.
Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation
The Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation (WACF) spun out of WPOA to anticipate, and resolve threats to the water quality in the Wawasee watershed.
Invasive Aquatic Weed Information
Whether we are fishermen, sailors, surfers, skiers, kayakers or swimmers, we all love the lake’s recreational opportunities. Invasive aquatic weeds, primarily Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM) and Starry Stonewort (SSW), are nuisances that can negatively impact these uses. Left unchecked, they could overtake all good weeds, ruining our favorite pastimes and negatively impacting our property values.
Syracuse-Wawasee Trails
The Syracuse-Wawasee Trail system is a network of walking/bicycling trails that connect the town of Syracuse, and Syracuse Lake and is starting around Wawasee Lake.
The duties of a Conservation Officer fall into three areas, law enforcement, education, and service. If there’s anything we can do for you please feel free to stop by the office.
View a live video stream of Lake Wawasee anytime day or night. The camera is located on Morrison Island facing Southwest with a view of the sandbar. Courtesy of wawascene.com.
The Chautauqua Wawasee is dedicated to the exploration of the best in human values and the enrichment of life through a program of events focused on Art, Education, Faith, and Recreation.
Historical Museum
Located in Syracuse, Indiana in the Syracuse Community Center across from Lakeside Park, the Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum, has been offering a glimpse back in time for the Lakeland area since 1987.
Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams
The Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams is a research and education center based at Grace College in Winona Lake, Ind. The organization recommends lake-focused best-practices.
Lake Map