Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Placemaking efforts take shape in Syracuse

By Sarah Wright
Staff Writer

CHILLING — From left, Syracuse-Wawasee Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Renea Salyer, Town Manager Mike Noe and administrative assistant to the town manager Virginia Cazier enjoy the bench installed next to Pickwick Theatre. A total of nine benches will be installed in Syracuse by Memorial Day. (Photo by Sarah Wright)

If you frequent Syracuse’s downtown or uptown area, you’ve likely noticed some new additions installed Monday, April 27. These included a bench in front of Pickwick Theatre and a trash can at the corner of SR 13 and Main Street.

They are just the start of a placemaking effort launched by the Syracuse-Wawasee Chamber of Commerce’s SWCC Foundation in partnership with the town of Syracuse. In all, nine benches, seven trash cans, six bicycle racks and at least four planters will be installed. Made of recycled plastic, they are designed to be durable.

Town Manager Mike Noe stated the town aims to install them all by Memorial Day.

“It’s a way to beautify downtown and attract people,” Virginia Cazier, administrative assistant to the town manager, said. She has been working closely with the chamber in regard to beautification efforts.

As for future placemaking projects, chamber Executive Director Renea Salyer said, “We are working on new banners for every lamppost (approximately 102). We are also investigating a potential dog park with the parks department.”

Art is another major component of these efforts with the hope to welcome murals and other such displays downtown. Alleyway projects and stamped concrete crosswalks are also being examined.

GIVE A HOOT — Seven new trash cans will be installed in the downtown area to encourage people to keep Syracuse beautiful by not littering. (Photo by Sarah Wright)
GIVE A HOOT — Seven new trash cans will be installed in the downtown area to encourage people to keep Syracuse beautiful by not littering. (Photo by Sarah Wright)

“We are also interested in projects in The Village,” Salyer added.

Many cities have been venturing forward with placemaking endeavors, and Salyer commented, “A lot of it has been happening around us, it’s time for Syracuse to join the game.” She added, “This is just the beginning.”

For those interested in supporting the placemaking projects, donations can be made to the SWCC Foundation. Visit for more information or email Salyer at