Centennial Homes to be featured at WACF

Wawasee Centennial Homes
Deister Home

A Centennial Homes program is returning for 2020 sponsored by the Syracuse-Wawasee Historical Museum. The “Ties That Bind” presentation is 1 p.m. Saturday, July 25, Ruddell Pavilion, Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation Education Center, 11586 N. SR 13.

This is about one mile south of Syracuse. The program was located originally at the Syracuse Community Center but has been changed.

Two Lake Wawasee Centennial Homes families, connected by marriage, will be featured. Those attending will be captivated with stories of the Deister family’s activities at the lake and their century old home on Ideal Beach. Interestingly, twin brothers married sisters, whose family summered at Lake Wawasee.

A Deister marrying into the Macomber family is the connection to the second Centennial family – the Adams family, owners of Adams Road Grader Co. in Indianapolis. Marianne Salaymeh will share the fascinating history of Roy and Leona Adams down through the years as many generations have shared the two homes on the property in Vawter Park.

The program is free and the public is welcome. Due to the pandemic, social distancing will be practiced and masks are requested to be worn.

There will also be a Zoom option for viewing by clicking on the following link:

There is a Zoom option available from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, July 25. It is located online at zoom.us/j/94972960277?pwd=eThWOCtvaHd6Q3VrZnRaQm43eXZZQT09. The meeting ID is 949 7296 0277 and the password is 494577.

Another Centennial Homes program on Ogden Island is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 15, Syracuse Community Center, 1013 N. Long Drive. Mark your calendar.


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