‘One of the biggest’ flotillas at Lake Wawasee

By Deb Patterson

WINNING EXCITEMENT — Members of the Chamness family, East Pickwick Park Drive, Syracuse, show their excitement of winning the 2020 Commodore Trophy after it was presented by Ashley Lozer, Cathy Campbell and Dr. Jay Asdell. Shown on the float, from the left are Aiden Hammond, Joey Chamness, Sally Chamness, Clay Bales, Addie Hammond, Chuck Chamness, Briget Chamness, Robbie Chamness, Charlie Chamness. Photo by Deb Patterson.
WINNING EXCITEMENT — Members of the Chamness family, East Pickwick Park Drive, Syracuse, show their excitement of winning the 2020 Commodore Trophy after it was presented by Ashley Lozer, Cathy Campbell and Dr. Jay Asdell. Shown on the float, from the left are Aiden Hammond, Joey Chamness, Sally Chamness, Clay Bales, Addie Hammond, Chuck Chamness, Briget Chamness, Robbie Chamness, Charlie Chamness. Photo by Deb Patterson.

This year’s Wawasee Flotilla, with the theme of “Proud to be an American,” is going down in the record books as one of the biggest.

“It was by far the most participated year with the theme,” said Holly Tuttle, co-chairman, and echoed by her husband Tom, who added “It was a good turnout.” Holly Tuttle stated there were 25 floats, 10 onshore and 15 wooden/antique/classic boats that registered. “It is families like these that make this tradition worth continuing,” she said. Both expressed appreciation for those who participated to keep up the tradition.

Healthcare Heroes were this year’s commodore and were represented on the commodore’s boat by Dr. Jay Asdell and nurses Cathy Campbell and Ashley Lozer. It was their task not only to lead the flotilla but to choose the winner of the prestigious Commodore Trophy. Their choice was the entry by the Chamness family from East Pickwick Park Drive, Syracuse.

The American History entry featured forefathers of the country, complete with wigs and attire. The family, shocked at the announcement at first, cheered enthusiastically after being told to come and accept the Warsaw Cut Glass Commodore Cup. The family had worked hard to create their float and had discussed that morning where they would place the Commodore’s Trophy. It will go on the mantel.

“The stars (and stripes) aligned for Flotilla this year,” said Chuck Chamness. “Our family has “quarantined” at the lake since March, giving us time and extra hands to conceive of and execute the float. We were motivated to bring home the Commodore’s Cup to honor my mom, Luanne Morris Chamness, who has enjoyed visits here for most of her 84 years and was watching from shore. It was inspired by our cousins, the Moto Morris family of pier 71, who won the cup in 1993 with the iconic “Welcome Zebra Mussels” float. And our vision was made complete by the Pahuds of pier 68 who lent us priceless artwork for the effort. It was a fun and memorable day, and we appreciate all the volunteers who make it possible.”

Other winners included:

WPOA — Women of Today

DNR — James and Windy Hampton

It’s All Good — John Topham

Greatest Generation — Lindsey Traub

Lady Liberty — Christy Cobbum

Lake Wawasee History — Perry Glaney and Dean Lantz

Most Patriotic — The Johnsons

Most Enthusiastic — Deb Farmer

Neighborhood — Williams/James Family

Flotilla “Seal” — Jim Kroemer

Business/Commercial — T.L. Jackson

Most Original Business/Commercial — Lynn Reecer

Betsy Ross Award — Mike and Mary Viioli Family

Youth — Lyndan Tenney, first; Tyson Niles, second

Most Original Youth — Smoker/Steele Families

God Bless the USA — Richardson Kids

Red, White and Boom — Kathy Graham

Proud to be an American — Jim Klotz

Healthcare Heroes — Price Family

First Responders — Silvermen

Antique Boat — Bob Fanning, first; Gene McNichols, second

Wooden Boat — Kevin Walbridge, first; Brian Hull, second

Classic Boat — Jack Hollingsworth, first; Jim and Kay  Young, second

Shore Award

Shore awards were divided between neighborhoods and associations. Those awards included:

Independence — Spink Condominium

Healthcare Heroes — Arnold/West

Wawasee Seal — Wawasee Beach Club

Red, White and Boom — Jaclyn Glaser

USA — Steve and Terry Coyle

Association — Mates, Ennis, Stumpf, Garafalo families

Lake Wawasee — Zipfel Family

Betsy Ross — Jason Metz


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