Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Lake residents getting early start on summer projects

By Nicholette Carlson
Staff Writer

BETTER TOGETHER — Lora Smith’s daughter, Sarah, had planned on celebrating her sorority’s Mom’s Day at Purdue University with her mother. However, since they were unable to celebrate as planned, Sarah and Lora celebrated with some quality time at their lake home in Syracuse. (Photo provided)

BETTER TOGETHER — Lora Smith’s daughter, Sarah, had planned on celebrating her sorority’s Mom’s Day at Purdue University with her mother. However, since they were unable to celebrate as planned, Sarah and Lora celebrated with some quality time at their lake home in Syracuse. (Photo provided)

Area lake residents are visiting their summer homes earlier than normal this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the resulting stay-at-home order, social distancing requirements and students participating in e-Learning for the remainder of the school year, families who typically don’t come up to their lake residences until May are able to enjoy their lake homes earlier than normal.

“Schools are closed so we’re all home together,” Lora Smith, a lake resident who lives in Fishers stated. Since they do not feel they can responsibly travel anywhere else currently, they are utilizing their lake home to provide a change of scenery. She mentioned they even brought all their own food and goods from home. While Smith had always hoped for a longer summer, she admitted this is not what she had imagined.

However, the family is taking advantage of it to work on painting and various projects at their lake home they would typically struggle to complete during the summer months. The family intends to come back and forth in spurts until they are able to responsibly spend more time outdoors.

Matt and Jane Kiley normally commute more frequently living only a short distance away in Granger. The lake house has been in the family for more than 100 years according to Matt Kiley and they share it with his brother’s family. While their area is typically pretty vacant at this time of year, he noticed it has been busier than usual.

Normally they would be unable to make it out to the lake this early because of school sports and other activities. However, now they have the time so they are coming out for a change of scenery and to get some projects done around the house. He also appreciates they live close enough to make a split second decision to come to the lake and is considering taking his work and working out of the lake house for a few days during the week.