concrete sidewalk on the new Conklin Bay Trail

Workers for Selge Construction, Niles, Mich., have completed prep work and are working to create the base for the concrete sidewalk on the new Conklin Bay Trail. Work is currently taking place in front of the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation’s Levinson-LaBrosse Lakes & Wetlands Education Center on SR 13. Officials with Selge stated the walkway is expected to be installed next week. Work will then move to the wetlands area where boardwalk will be added.

The Conklin Bay Trail will go from Harkless Road to Grandview Drive, along the east side of SR 13. It will feature a boardwalk into the Conklin Bay wetlands. The trail has been on the drawing board and in the fundraising stage for a number of years but upon the receipt of Next Level Trails funds from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, the project became a reality.

The goal is to have the trail completed by the time “snow flies” later this month or in November. (Photo by Deb Patterson)


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