WACF treating Conklin Bay on Lake Wawasee

Resources, Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation will be treating Conklin Bay on Lake Wawasee and the Boner Wetlands east of Syracuse Lake today Wednesday, Aug. 24. A helicopter will be treating the areas during the late morning for non native phragmites. Also known as common reed, it is a perennial, aggressive wetland grass that outcompetes native plants and displaces native animals. (Photo by Larry Baumgardt)Resources, Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation will be treating Conklin Bay on Lake Wawasee and the Boner Wetlands east of Syracuse Lake today Wednesday, Aug. 24. A helicopter will be treating the areas during the late morning for non native phragmites. Also known as common reed, it is a perennial, aggressive wetland grass that outcompetes native plants and displaces native animals. (Photo by Larry Baumgardt)


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