Trail committee hears Eli Lilly, Conklin Bay updates

Syracuse-Wawasee Trail Committee met Monday evening, Oct. 19, and Executive Director Megan McClellan gave updates on the Conklin Bay and the Eli Lilly Road trail projects. Both trails are moving forward.“We have a verbal OK to build in the SR 13 right of way from INDOT,” she said.She gave an overview of the Conklin Bay trail project. The committee received a $25,000 grant for an available balance of $32,858.Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation has requested a change of location of the trail near its sign on SR 13, so it is closer to the wetlands and further from its sign. WACF removed all the invasive species from this area and have also requested the trail go straight across its driveway.McClellan sent these suggestions to Earth Source. It will incorporate them into the next preliminary design. WACF is also considering having the trail be made from cement as opposed to the original intention of using crushed stone.She said it didn’t receive funding from K21 Foundation or from KREMC Round Up because they don’t fund planning and design. K21 specifically noted they would be interested in providing a large grant for construction. She is waiting to hear on a $10,000 request from Kosciusko County Community Foundation, a $10,000 request from 1st Source Foundation and a $2,500 request from Every Body Walks (a federal grant). Responses are expected on those in mid-November, end of October, and mid-November respectively. The application for the Lawrence Foundation grant is due Nov. 1 and Harkless Foundation application is due by Dec. 1.An update on the Eli Lilly Road trail was given. McCllellan met with Pulver Asphalt Paving Inc. and the county drainage specialist.There are several possibilities being discussed. One is having the trail at grade, eliminating the need for catch basins. Another is having it raised with a rolled curb, the only kind of curb the county likes but is much more expensive. The other option is having it raised with a rolled curb and made of asphalt, which will lower the cost.Options one and two would require catch basins. There is discussion about how many catch basins would be needed. Pulver suggested running the water away from the lake to the railroad right of way.“The county wants us to get permission from DNR and WACF,” she said. “We are waiting to hear from the county on exactly how many catch basins will be needed and then we will contact the railroad about directing the water into their right of way and once that is all clear we will determine any additional cost and how best to cover the expense.”McClellan said the Max Laudemann family has agreed to match up to $25,000 for any donations through the end of the year.McClellan gave the treasurer’s report. She noted the committee has received a little more than $19,000 in donations in September and $237,518.33 for the year so far. Expenses totaled $121,602.71 and there is $63,132.59 is available in the fund, as of Sept. 30.The recent trail count totals were noted. McClellan said she uses the counts to apply for grants.McClellan said she started working on the 2016 budget and will bring it to the next meeting.The kiosk at the athletics complex is up and Jodi Buhrt was named Volunteer of the Month.The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Nov. 16, at Syracuse Community Center.


Wonderful WACF Walk


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