Wawasee Property Owners Association Membership
Every year

"Neighbor" is less a location than an attitude. As members of the Lake Wawasee community, we are united by our love for the lake and our commitment to preserving its beauty and health for generations to come. Join our association and help support the many benefits we provide, including those listed below.

✓ Annual Printed Lake Directory (for members only)
✓ Lake Homeowner Representation With Local and State Agencies
✓ Sheriff Lake Patrol Boats, Fuel, Deputies & Training
✓ Install + Maintenance of Dry Fire Hydrants & Weather Sirens
✓ Indiana's Best Independence Day Fireworks Display & More....

Make a donation.

The Wawasee Property Owners Association underwrites many programs for our membership, and we need your membership and support.

The Sheriff Lake Patrol, Invasive Weed Control, and annual Independence Day Fireworks are specific funds to which you may apply a tax-deductible donation.

In addition to becoming a member, please make a contribution to our important initiatives by selecting one (or many) of the funds below.

Contribute to

100% of every dollar donated pays for fireworks products, a professional pyrotechnic crew, safety precautions, and government permits. All donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your support of our annual Independence Day celebration.

Lake Wawasee Fireworks

Your WPOA produces and supports many annual programs.

Lake Wawasee information

Learn all that Lake Wawasee has to offer and how to be a good steward.

“Neighbor” is less a location than an attitude.

As members of the Lake Wawasee community, we are united by our love for the lake and our commitment to preserving its beauty and health for generations to come.

Hear about events and meetup with your neighbors.


Sign up to be the first to know about our events and general lake news and information.