Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Wooden Boat Rally, a delight to many

By Deb Patterson

GETTING CLOSER LOOKS — The floating pier at Oakwood provided plenty of space for spectators to get a closer look at the wooden boats displayed. There were eight wooden boats displayed Saturday at the Wooden Boat Rally. Photo by Deb Patterson.

Wooden boats lined the pier at Oakwood Resort for its wooden boat rally, with several displayed on trailers in the parking lot, Saturday, June 12.

One of the popular onshore attractions was Mike Smith’s Smitty’s Legacy, a 15-foot wooden Crackerbox, he completed building last summer. The Crackerbox is one of the oldest inboard runabouts.

It is now complete with a steering wheel and a decal remembering his grandfather, who owned Smitty’s Boat Livery in Johnson’s Bay.

Eight wooden boats, each uniquely crafted, were displayed at the Oakwood Hotel dock Saturday. Many took the opportunity to get a closer look at the wooden beauties.

One of the boats included a 19-foot 1942 custom barrel Chris-Craft owned by Jay Merrell. This boat was built at the end of the era with the barrel back looks.

Another of the boats included a 25-foot Chris-Craft Sportsman, one of six built in 1949, one for each of the three Smith brothers and one each for their attorney, lumber supplier and Clara Bryant Ford. Owned by Gene and Patty McNichols, this twin engine boat is one of three known to still exist.