Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Bids come in too high for Schrock Athletic Complex

By Martha Stoelting
Staff Writer

Spring means getting things ship shape and ready for the summer season in this area. That is what the Syracuse Parks Department Board of Directors did at the monthly meeting Monday, May 10. Paul Newcomer presided at the meeting in Celebration Hall at the Syracuse Community Center. “Schrock Athletic Complex bids all came back way too high. It will be back to the drawing board and the bond issuing company to direct us how to proceed from here,” said Park Superintendent Chad Jonsson during his department report.

A new sign for Hoy’s Beach rules and regulations was passed. It will be in place for the season. Dogs can be in the beach area if they are on leashes and their waste is picked up.Just three applications have been received for life guarding positions. Five jobs are available, perhaps more. The department will play it by ear as the swim season approaches.

A brochure was passed of the vinyl railing that will be used for the Lakeside Park Gazebo. The cost had been approved in claims. Vinyl by Design, New Paris, is the contractor.

Jonsson also said the wildflower seeding done by Heartland Restoration in Laudeman Park is coming along some. It will be reviewed in June.

Programming has taken off with a Mother’s Day event at the first Syracuse Artisans & Farmers Market and the Touch-A-Truck was a big success. The Mother’s Day event was held Saturday, May 8, and Touch-A-Truck was May 1, according to Program Director Darin Lursen.

Registrations for the Mudtastic Classic are coming in faster than two years ago. So far 110 applications have been received. Sponsored by the parks department, the muddy obstacle course event will be held at the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation property 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 19.

For information and to register, visit online at Registration deadline is Friday, June 11.During old business, board member Jeff Nicodemus asked what is going in around the water side of the Veteran’s Memorial at Crosson Mill Park. He was told it will be filled in with rock as the front of the circle has been.

The refurnishing of the big restroom inside Syracuse Community Center has been completed.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, June 14, at the Syracuse Community Center, 1013 N. Long Drive.