Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Eagle Scout project presented at trail committee meeting

By Phoebe MuthartStaff WriterWPOA DONATES TO TRAILS — A $3,000 donation from Wawasee Property Owners Association was presented to the Syracuse-Wawasee Trail Commitee Monday, Aug. 21. The funds will be used for construction of the Conklin Bay trail and will be matched dollar for dollar by the Dekko Foundation. Pictured, from left, are trails Director Megan McClellan, Treasurer Dr. Tom Edgington and Chairman Kay Young. (Photo by Phoebe Muthart)An Eagle Scout project was presented at the Syracuse-Wawasee Trail Committee meeting Monday, Aug. 21.Carter Bowman, an Eagle Scout, is a Wawasee High School sophomore. He will be installing mileage markers around the Syracuse Lake trail.The markers will be installed one every quarter mile for 5 miles around Syracuse Lake. The 4-foot tall markers, made out of treated wood, will have a plaque with the trails’ logo and the mileage. There will be 20 mileage markers. Bowman hopes to start the project as early as September. A cost has not yet been determined.“We do have a signage budget,” said Megan McClellan, executive director.“I think it’s a great project,” added Chairman Kay Young.Construction along a portion of Northshore Drive is done. A major rainstorm will need to occur to see how the new drainage system works.The SR 13 and Pickwick Drive crossing is complete. Indiana Department of Transportation installed a pedestrian light Wednesday, Aug. 16. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held Monday, Aug. 21.Ideas for the Conklin Bay overlook project were presented. Three different ideas were proposed: wire, glass and spindles. The least expensive option is spindles, which most of the committee members were in favor of. However, a vote was not taken.In new business, signs associated with Northeast Indiana trail system were presented by McClellan. The signs help connect regional trail systems in the area. No decision to join was made as of yet.McClellan was given approval to order more trails’ T-shirts.Commonwealth Engineers is still awaiting the topographical survey for the Syracuse-Webster Road trail project. The survey will take a week and may start as early as in three weeks.The July treasurer’s report was presented by Dr. Tom Edington. Donations totaled $16,030.59 and expenses totaled $4,084.31. Donations included a $12,450 reimbursement for the Conklin Bay planning phase and $3,000 came from the proceeds of Tour des Lakes.A $3,000 donation from the Wawasee Property Owners Association was presented to the committee. The funds will be used for construction of the Conklin Bay trail and will be matched dollar for dollar by the Dekko Foundation.A myriad of maintenance issues were discussed at the meeting. A chain saw and weed whacker will need to be purchased and three warped boards need to be replaced on one of the trails’ boardwalks. The Conklin Bay thermometer needs to be removed due to the “quiet phase” of the fundraising efforts. The committee approved a volunteer to mow a section of the trail for $50 from April to Oct. 1.Pedestrian crossing signs near Sycamore Street are proposed. It was noted a lot of people, and children, use this section of the trail.Volunteer of the Month is Bob Smith. He was honored because he has been helping with maintenance along the trail.Upcoming events include an Art Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26, at Oakwood Resort.Library visioning sessions for the town will be 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30, at the library, or 2 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31, at Syracuse Community Center, or 6 to 8 p.m. at the library.A benefit concert scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 19, was cancelled.The next meeting is at 6 p.m. Sept. 18.