Lake Wawasee Property Owners Association

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Laudeman and Brumbaugh families added to founders society

LAUDEMAN FAMILY HONORED — Max and June Laudeman represented the Laudeman family being added to the Eli Lilly Founders Society wall. (Photo by Deb Patterson)The Laudeman and Brumbaugh families have had their names added to the Wawasee Area Conservancy Foundation’s Eli Lilly Lifetime Founders Society.Plaques have been placed on the wall bearing the name of Max and Janet Laudeman and Robert Laudeman; Jim and Cindy Brumbaugh and Kathryn Coyle.A brief ceremony was held Friday evening, Aug. 28, in front of the society wall, dedicated last year, at the WACF’s Levinson-LaBrosse Educational Center. Terry Clapacs, WACF vice chairman, and Tom Yoder spoke of those inducted into the society.The founders society honors those who have made a lifetime contribution to the Wawasee Conservancy Foundation of $100,000 or more.Clapacs stated, like Eli Lilly, the Laudeman family left their mark on the area. Without the support of the Robert Laudeman family, the Syracuse Community Center would not have been possible. “Most will remember the little knitted coasters, toaster koozies, napkin holders your mother, June, would go around and sell in support of the church,” Clapacs said to Max.To the Laudemans, Clapacs stated, “Without your help, we would not have been able to purchase the last 44 acres of the Syracuse Lake wetland. Perhaps there is no more of a strategic place on the lake … between Syracuse Lake, Mud Lake and Wawasee, to keep it pristine … a great legacy for the Laudaman family.”Clapacs noted the Laudeman family will soon be leaving the area. “You will always be in our hearts, in that area of appreciation to every body who lives and enjoys our lakes.”Yoder stated it was a privilege to talk about the Brumbaugh family – Jim, Cindy and Cindy’s mother Kathryn Coyle. Cindy Brumbaugh, along with Dave Culp, were considered the founders of WACF. “They were selected, or volunteered, to look into how other conservancies were run, how they were structured and even visited other conservancies … they came back and designed the first structure of WACF.”Yoder stated Jim Brumbaugh served on the board and worked on development. Cindy Brumbaugh also served on the board. “Her mother was also interested in WACF and made a major contribution to the family gift.” Yoder stated just recently Jim and his new wife, Barb, completed the requirements so they could be a part of the WACF Eli Lilly Lifetime Founders Society.The Brumbaugh family was unable to attend the event.It was noted there were some whose names were placed on the wall for the dedication last year, but unable to attend. Those individuals, including Doug and Barb Grant, were honored following the ceremony at a dinner.Clapacs spoke briefly at the start about Lilly and his dedication to the lake. “He loved the place with a deep, deep appreciation,” said Clapacs. He noted how for more than 50 consecutive years Lilly came to the lake, was the place of his honeymoon, and the place where he liked to be more than any other place in the world.